A Study of the Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation and Several Relevant Legislative Issues in China; 通过对法院调解和人民调解的内涵及利弊的简要分析,提出对我国民事调解制度改革的一些思考。
Model Rules of Procedure for International Mandatory Conciliation 国际强制调解程序示范规则
With the development of practice and need of theory, legislation of international commercial conciliation has gradually attracted people's attention. 实践的发展、理论的需要,使(国际)商事调解立法逐渐得到人们的重视。
Section one briefly introduces four main forms of our ( international) commercial conciliation, that is, commercial conciliation in court, commercial conciliation in conciliation institution, commercial conciliation in arbitration institution and joint conciliation. 第一节简要介绍了我国(国际)商事调解的四种主要形式,即:法院的商事调解、调解机构的商事调解、仲裁机构的商事调解和联合调解。
Firstly, the development of our economy and the process of unitization of international economy give the external requirements for commercial conciliation of our country. 首先,我国经济的发展和国际经济一体化的进程对我国商事调解的发展提出了外部要求。
Survey of legislation and practice of various countries, international organizations concerning conciliation proceedings of international commercial, whether mediation program start, mediation conference, or mediation program terminates, all those reveal autonomy, flexible and efficient features. 通观各个国家、国际组织关于国际商事调解程序的立法与实践,不论是调解程序的启动、调解会议的召开,还是调解程序的终止,都彰显着意思自治、灵活、高效等特征。
This paper discusses the current our country about the practice of international commercial conciliation legislation and legislative mode and specific problems puts forward some Suggestions and comments, to our country in the international commercial conciliation legislation for reference. 本文详细探讨了当前我国有关国际商事调解的实践,并对立法模式和具体立法问题上提出了一些建议和意见,以资我国在进行国际商事调解相关立法时予以参考。